Friday, January 16, 2009

Pinching you Pennies

Thank you for such a fun girls night! You can't go wrong with yummy food, a funny movie and great company! Thanks for the invite!

I promised an explanation of the website Pinching your Pennies

1. Go to
2. On the top of the website, there is a toolbar. Select "Coupon List."
3. Select "Screaming Deals by State" at the top of the screen
4. Scrool through the list of states, find the one you are wanting (in our case, Idaho!)
5. Once you select Idaho, it will bring you to a forum. Look for the one that says, "Sticky" (which is a woman's screen name) and the words "Idaho Albertson's" with two dates following it. So, for right now, it says, "Idaho Albertson's (1/14-1/20). Select "Sticky's" forum. (She usually updates it every Wednesday or Thursday. Albertson's sales start every Wednesdays)
6. Select "Albertsons Printable Shopping List"

Scroll through this shopping list. It will have the sales "star rated." I only look at the 5 star ratings.
Next to the sale item, it will tell you if you need to print a coupon (and it will have a link that will take you to the coupon) OR it will tell you where you can find a coupon for it in the Sunday Flyers.

So, the second part of this website is "collecting" all of the Sunday Flyers.
There are three different flyers that will come in the Sunday paper. Every Sunday will have a flyer, but not necessarily all three. Keep all flyers because Pinching your Pennies will refer you to back dated flyers.

I am NOT an expert at this but I find it fun and pretty rewarding. Brook, my friend is the true expert and knows so much more then I do. So, if Brook forwards me any new info, I will pass it along!

I hope this makes more sense. Let me know if I can help you navigate through this coupon craziness!