Tuesday, January 8, 2008

"The Greatest Present EVER!"

We had been giving Trey "Pooping Presents" (Yes I know, TOO MUCH INFO!!!) while potty training. We had bought a Little People Noah's Ark, and divided up all of the animals that came with the set. After he would do the deed in the toilet, he would open ONE of the animals! During the holiday break, he really didn't the present re-enforcer any longer, so we decided to let him open the rest of the ark.
When we finally retrieved the ark from the packages strong grip (It took both Justin and I to wrestle that ark out of it's packaging!), Trey leaped for joy and yelled, "The Greatest Present EVER!" WHAT?!

Needless to say, it has been one of his favorite toys to play with, and I would have to say, maybe all of his hard work paid off. He really earned the gift, and that is why it is so valuable to him!!!

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