Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Roaring Springs and Friends!

Before the year was through, our family took advantage of Roaring Springs Season Pass deal! This year two newbies will be joining us: Justin and baby Shaydon! I think Justin will enjoy his Mondays with Trey at the park, and baby Shaydon will be at a perfect age to just relax and enjoy the water! Heck, Sommers was water skiing at 8 months pregnant with Shaydon, he basically spent his in-utero existence at Lucky Peak! (I have pictures to prove Sommers courageous feat at water skiing 8 months pregnant, I will take any cash offers that you are willing to fork over in return for the pix!)
Can't wait for Summer!

1 comment:

Sommers said...

I LOVE the BLog... How did you do it....I am envyous. That pix will be worth millions.!!!