A contractor Justin works for offers Justin free Idaho Steelhead Hockey tickets once in a while and we usually take advantage of them, the two of us will take them and enjoy a night out. This week Justin was offered them once again and I told him he could take a friend. The seats that are usually given to us are on the second floor of the arena and are right behind a railing, separating you from a 20 feet (okay, that could be an exaggeration, but it FEELS that way!) drop onto the hard concrete.
(see the amazing drop?!!)
Justin thought we could take Trey, but I was too nervous, having his vulnerable AND curious body too close to that amazing drop. It came the afternoon of the game, and I finally said, "Sure, let's go!"
Sure enough, the seats were RIGHT up against that railing, and I was about to go nuts, just imagining the amazing drop and Trey taking the plunge. As we were looking over the crowd, right below us were some familiar faces: Kip Dribnak with his two girls McKenna and Morgan, and Neil Adams!
They had some open seats right next to them, AND they were on the ground level (which was a major plus!) so we decided to join them. Trey enjoyed playing with "MeeKenna" and catching some hockey when he wanted. He loved the music and eventually got over stage fright and shook his booty towards the end. It was a great evening to spend as a family, but it was also nice to enjoy with friends!