Thursday, April 29, 2010

brotherly struggles

It is a known fact; Tian can be a total brute. He wants everything Trey wants, is a total tease, and will actually push, shove or whack at anything or anyone trying to get in his way. Trey, a boy who was an only child for the first 3 years and 3 months of his life is trying to figure out how to handle this strong willed brother. Check out this situation between two brothers and a tryke....

{that tongue demonstrates concentration}

{face of frustration}
{Tian trying to yank Trey off the trike he wanted. Trey nursing a cup of nasty Kool Aid, drinking from what my friend Alyce calls my "vintage" Kool Aid cups! Something from my childhood}
{look at this sly face, naughty little man!}

Don't let this sweet innocent face fool you!

floors #3

There was a whole lot of this goin' on in our backyard to complete our beautiful new floors. Thank you Just for your hard work and determination, mind you, he was sick with something fierce the entire project through.

{can you see the dust particles flying?}

I love you with all of my heart Just!