My 2
nd assignment for my online photography class. These are the photos I submitted, My
explanation, and the response from my Teacher's Assistant.
"Family Photo"

For this assignment, my goal was to set my own ISO, f/stop, and Shutter Speed. I also tried different kinds of lighting, mainly, available light (which I have grown to love) and natural lighting.
"Family Photo"
Yes, this is my family. I thought I would kill two birds with one stone. Get our family picture taken AND complete our assignment. My husband wasn't too thrilled to go out in nearly freezing weather, but he did it anyhow! So, I set the numbers up all by myself, used the Manual setting (which I am so excited about. I usually rely on my Program Mode, which is fine, but I want to step out of my comfort zone!), set my camera on a 5 gallon bucket (YES, I need a tripod!), and set the timer.
I positioned my family off to the side of the barn just to distance us from the barn itself. I felt if I placed my family right smack in front of the barn, it would look too distracting. I didn't want the barn to necessarily be a "backdrop," but I did want it in the background. IF that makes ANY sense. If you can't tell, the barn is just about to crumble to the ground, therefore, it was quite difficult to keep the camera somewhat in the same longitudinal line as the barn's roof. I like the contrast of our clothes to the straw-like weeds and the grey barn. I also like the lines off to the right of the picture a fence has created.
Shutter Speed 1/80
ISO 400
It was about 4:45 pm and just beginning to snow. The sun was covered by thick clouds.
Waiting for Santa
Doesn't my son look excited to see Santa? Well, he was, until he saw the Big Man himself and THEN he started to bawl!
The lighting in this mall courtyard was amazing! There were skylights above the courtyard which let in such wonderful light.
I love how the white "fence" framed my son's face, and with my wide open f/stop, the fence grew more faint with distance. I love the detail in my son's hair, his eye lashes, even his chubby little cheeks. This is a picture I think I will really cherish during this holiday season. Shutter Speed 1/60
ISO 100
Program Mode
It was about 2:30pm with amazing light coming from Skylights in Mall Courtyard
I would love any feedback you have to offer!
Thank you for your time!
TA Kimberly's Response:
Hi Rebecca,It is great to see you! You did a wonderful job setting the exposure yourself. The barn is great to have in the background, but you might consider including the rest of your families legs/feet as well. You used a wonderful pose and everyone has good eye contact with us, the viewer. Taking a self portrait is a challenge and you've done a great job here.Waiting for Santa is a wonderful memory to cherish during this and many holiday season's to come. The fence does a nice job of framing your son's face. I'm glad we have one eye that isn't obstructed by the fence. The shallow DOF helps us keep our attention on the subject. The diagonal lines add interest. I'm glad you've grown to love available, natural is wonderful lighting to use.Thank you for posting, nicely done.TA Kimberly