On Tian's 7 month birthday, we were BACK in the ER. The night before, Tian spiked a fever and wanted to be held, sitting upright all night long. Tian never sleeps while being held, unless at church. Tian was supposed to be back to his normal self within about 24 hours, but he still didn't seem right. He is usually so happy and hungry. He hadn't wanted a bottle or eat in 10 hours. When he tried to suck on his bottle, he would start screaming. SO, back to ST. Charles for another visit. This time we entered the ER at 10am!
Because the ER and Pediatrician physician couldn't see his eardrums the first visit we had, I figured he had an ear infection. Before even cleaning out his ears, once again, an IV was placed. THIS time, three nurses evaluated his veins, and there was only ONE stick! Of course, in his head!
See the little white plastic cone on the side of his head: This was supposed to protect his IV! IT did it's job. This was the one and only IV needed!
Tian's White Blood Cell Count had elevated to 27,900 from 27,300 which concerned the doctors. So, after cleaning out Tian's ears which demonstrated some red, bulging ear drums, a RSV and Influenza test was taken by a swab up the nose. Next, it was for a chest x-ray. I got to see my new friend Samantha in the radiology department again. She recognized Tian's name and came and got us from our ER room! I told her I could do whatever she needed me to do! I forewarned my mom of the nasty contraption we were going to put Tian into. I don't think I told her he would scream bloody murder, but I should have! With the Pigostat, to have the baby scream is a GOOD thing! Their lungs work harder, demonstrating better lung patterns!
This is not Tian but some poor child I found on Google Images! Yes, this is a Pigostat, and this is what your child will be put in if they ever need a chest x-ray. Actually, this is WHAT they should put your child in IF they need a chest x-ray. The pigostat really does give the best results although it looks awful. My mom said it looked like some carnival ride gone bad!
I hope Samantha didn't think I was a control freak, but I put Tian in the pigostat and positioned him the best I could. I am sure she was thinking, "You freak. This is MY job." But, I could have retaliated and said, "Yes, but this is my child, and I want the BEST picture for him, thank you very much!" They had a chest x-ray room IN their ER! Something we should have gotten when we opened our new ER! (I know my co-workers can agree with me on this one!!!)
Tian's chest x-ray came back clear as ever. His RSV and Influenza tests came back negative. His throat looked clear, although they couldn't see any farther then his tonsils.
With his elevating White Blood Cell Count, the doctors could only figure it was due to the double ear infection and a virus that had grown within his vocal chords. Not only had he been crying for virtually 2 days straight, he had a virus in his vocal chords, making him very hoarse. He was barely audible when he cried which was so sad.
We were set up with a Pediatrician for the following day, for a follow up. We were given a prescription for Amoxicilin with a diet of Pedialyte, rice cereal, and bananas again.
4 hours from admission, we were discharged again. Hopefully to never return to that sweet ER! Poor little Tian. He was a new baby after just his first dose of antibiotics. I can't imagine a world without antibiotics. Thank heavens for medicine!
Thank you mom again for coming with me to the ER! When we first arrived at the ER, the *dumb* triage nurse wasn't going to let my mom come back with me. She said it was "against policy" to have more then ONE visitor in the exam room. (which I was very confused about. How come my mom was able to come with me just 48 short hours ago? The only explanation for this policy was given by Samantha, our radiology friend. She said the night shift is cool, the day shift are haters! HMMMM!) I was so sad. I followed directions and went back by myself. When the nurses began to prep Tian for the IV, I knew we were going to be there for awhile and asked if my mom could come back with me. The nurses agreed that their policy was ridiculous and let her come back. I am so appreciative of her selflessness and loving ways. This was a Thursday, one of the busiest days of the week for her. Not only with being the Relief Society President, but with the responsibilities of my youngest brother and his activities. She didn't seem in the least bit fazed to spend the morning and mid afternoon with us! Thank you mom!
Oh my goodness. The saga goes on and on. Poor sweet little Tian. I am so glad all is well now. That x-ray machine in the freakiest looking thing ever! Thank goodness his lungs were hoarse!
That little machine looks so scarey. I would have just hated to see my little guy in it.
You are killing me.
What a nightmare those days were. Thank you for getting the tired grandma pictures!!! So glad I was there for you. So glad that the nice nurse man let me finally come back with you. 5 hours in the waiting room would have drove me BONKERS!
I am just reading this now. Yikes. I am glad he is doing better.
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