Friday, September 10, 2010

Evening with Shaydon

When I had Tian, almost two years ago, Sommers came to my home, picked up Trey, and took him to Planet Kid and McDonalds for a playdate. Sommers was planning on me having quality time with Tian all to my self. She is such a thoughtful friend. It was my time to return the favor this afternoon and Trey couldn't be any more excited. It was one of Trey's first times riding in the middle of the seat which was the coolest thing in his world. The boys went nuts in Carl's Jr. and ran until they were sweaty! At the end of Justin's day, Justin came and played with the boys. I am so grateful for him!

L.O.V.E this picture of Shaydon looking up a Trey. Shaydon and Trey play so well together, even though they are 2.5 years apart.


Sommers said...

cute!! a GREAT pix of the boyz... Thanks for all you do!!! AMAZING!!!

sauter signs off said...

Wow Sommers, Shaydon is a big kid now! When did that happen?