Sunday, December 23, 2007

Flight from Boise to Portland

Our flight departure was 9:15 am from Boise, and Trey really enjoyed his experience. It was his 2nd flight of his life, the first one taking place when he was 7 months old. He was a bit confused with the security check, removing the coat and shoes, but he emerged as a pro!

Justin must have told him he could get some candy while waiting at the airport, because he left our home with a quarter in his pocket, and ended up finding the arcade AND candy machines! I swear, he has a candy radar, just as Derek has a soda radar! They can smell OR see it from miles away!

He got the seat next to the window which was an excellent decision of Justin's. He loved to look out the window at the clouds, the streets and the mountains!

He enjoyed coloring, sucking on his sucker from Auntie Sommers, and sipping on his apple juice! (Before our flight I told him that a lady would be asking him if he wanted a drink. He told me he would ask for Orange Juice. When the time came and drinks were handed out, he changed his mind and asked for Apple Juice!)

The flight only was an hour, and towards the end he was wanting out of his seat belt. Thankfully, we landed just as he was getting anxious! He did great!!!
With the time change, we landed in Portland, Oregon at 9:15 am!!!

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