Sunday, December 23, 2007

Secret Santa and Games!

Every year, the Bledsoe's do a "Secret Santa" for someone in their community. Every other year, it is always a sweet adventure buying the items for the family members, wrapping them and then eventually delivering the gifts! Today, it was off to Ross (Aberdeen has very little options for shopping in this little town! Side note, in the parking lot of Ross, a large SUV with a beautiful wreath on the front of the grill drove by, and what would you know; their license plates said 1A, indicating the SUV was from the Boise area. STRANGE!) to purchase the gifts. We had a one year old and a 7 year old, and $30 to spend! We made out like bandits; purchasing a coat, a wheel launcher (Justin swears it was the coolest gift in there! I believe it!), a bead runner for the baby and some PJ's!

After our shopping adventure, it was game time! This family LOVES games! I usually feel inadequate, but always feel included none the less! Trey loved playing with his cousins Cyrus and Canyon, and Nora was the best babysitter EVER!

The "letter game" is what the boys called this game. It is actually supposed to be "Go Fish" but with letters. The boys had a great time spelling words out!

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