Monday, January 21, 2008

Alphabet lessons at WINCO?

This blog is mainly for my own benefit, I want to jot down every little thing Trey-Man accomplishes before I forget them with my every day chaos! So, please forgive me during this bragging session, my feeling will NEVER be hurt if you just cruise on by these posts!

We were shopping in the Fresh Produce section of WINCO and Trey said, "I see 2 'E's." I said, "WHAT?" He said, "SEE," as he points to the FRESH PRODUCE sign in HUGE red letters above the lettuce and organic veggies! Then he proceeded to point to all of the other letters. He found 2 R's, an S, an O and a C! I was amazed.

Please don't credit me, I swear it is the Leap Frog Letter Factory series that Miss Michelle introduced to us a LONG time ago and some serious brain washing! Repetition is mandatory at this age for any learning to occur, and we are the KING and QUEENS for repetition!

What a blessing it is to have a little one what is eager to learn. What a blessing!

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