Saturday, August 29, 2009

Swimming Lessons #3

Swimming Lessons at the Blackhurst

THIS is how Tian felt about another round of swimming lessons.

Trey ended on such a great note at the Blackhurst's swimming pool earlier this summer, I couldn't help but sign him up for another 2 weeks. He had passed the beginners class and was to move on to the Advance Beginner, and we were very excited.

The first day of swimming lessons Justin took Trey and Tian while I worked. Justin accidentally took Trey at the wrong time, but the mistake actually became a blessing in disguise. Trey swam that day with the Beginners and June Blackhurst realized Trey probably needed another session of Beginners. We wanted Trey to feel comfortable, so, reluctantly, he entered the Beginners again. (I was the reluctant one. I know Trey's ability, but when it comes to deeper water, he freaks!)

June and Megan were Trey's teachers, and they did a phenomenal job!


One of Trey's favorite thing to do, go under water!!!

Tian after the first day of swimming lessons! All smiles!

day #3

Trey is holding onto June for dear life. If he could touch, he would be floating all by himself. I have to admit, he gets his nervousness of the unknown from ME!
The magic wand. Trey and his little friend Carter would have contests to see who could stay under water the longest!
Trey's ears are under water! Yeah!

Tian watching Trey swim!

Tian pointing and screaming at Trey!

Look at that squishy face! Silly Billy Tian!

I thought swimming lessons would be cancelled today because it rained and stormed all day. Because there was no lightening, and the pool is heated, swimming lessons was a go and the kids really didn't mind! June apologized for the weather, like she could help it!!!!

Day #7
This is the dreaded "jumping off the side and diving board" day. In June, Trey's first swimming lessons, he couldn't wait for this day. Once he got to the diving board though, he freaked. He stood and stood at the diving board this swimming lessons, and eventually didn't jump. Here he is contemplating, and then telling June he wasn't going to do it. She remembers him doing it at the beginning of the summer, I guess a summer full of swimming made him a little more nervous of the water. How strange!
This is a sad face, but don't have sympathy for him. He would really enjoy it if he tried it!!!!

Another sad, pathetic face.

I love how he is so stretched out in this picture. He is finally getting over his fear of floating with June.

These last pictures are of Trey's friend Keaton, who he took swimming lessons with at the beginning of the summer. We have enjoyed our summer adventures with the Parsons and look forward to a school year of fun! (Trey and Keaton are entering the same preschool class!) Keaton's mom was running behind and forgot her camera and asked if I could take some pictures of Keaton jumping off the diving board. Sorry, better late then never huh?!

day #8

Yay, he jumped!

A story behind Trey's "I Jumped!" headband. After yesterdays swimming lessons, I bribed Trey with two things. One of which would be shaved ice after swimming lessons. The second would be a "Crown" that said, "I Jumped!" Well, I mentioned I would make it out of a "headband" (meaning, a band around his head) and he took it as if I was going to make it out of one of MY headbands. When Trey woke up from his afternoon nap and I showed him my lovely crown I made for him, he became really emotional. I asked him why he was so upset. He said, "Because you didn't make it out of a headband." So, back to the drawing board and out came my hair accessories. Hence, the "I Jumped!" headband.

Keaton is such a kind friend to Trey. He stayed throughout all of Trey's last swimming lessons and cheered him on. He even walked to the diving board with Trey and said, "You can do it Trey!!!" After Trey jumped, Keaton said, "Trey, that was AWESOME!" What a good friend Trey has!

Trey's flavor of choice: Bubblegum!

Thanks Jessyka, Kailey and Keaton for sharing an afternoon with us! We enjoy your company!

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