Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Twelve Months of Tian

Our sweet little Tian is turning one year old today and I am in such awe at the joy and happiness he has brought into our lives and home. With a blink of an eye, it seems as if Tian was just born.

On the eve of his birthday, Tian walked 6 steps, said, "Bye Bye," immitated Cooper by barking at a very high pitched "AHHH," and ate refried beans for dinner. He chased ducks and loved swinging at the park.

I don't know how we are going to bottle up the next many years, but I want to remember every bit of it because Tian, you are worth all of the memories, the laughs, the tears, and the joy!

We love you T.T. and wish you a wonderful first birthday!

Here is our Tian throughout his first year of life.


RaCHELLE HuRD said...

Happy Birthday, Tian! He is seriously too cute!

Jessyka Parsons Photography said...

Happy Birthday little T.T!
I think your Mommy should have another baby because you are a BIG boy now!

sauter signs off said...

Love the count down pictures Rebecca!