We were getting ready to go to "the cousins" home Sunday evening, and THIS is what I find Tian wearing:
A future "What Not To Wear" episode in the making. Justin dressed him, I giggled! Thankfully, "the cousins" love us no matter what! Even if we match or not.
At Tian's first Pediatrician's appointment, Dr. Archibald told me he would ask me for some of Tian's "Tricks" at the next appointment. I said, "Tricks?" He said, "You know, holding his head up, looking at you, etc. Right now, at 6 days old, they are just "skills." So, this list is to document all of Tian's "Skills" as he perfects them!
8.20.09 While at the dinner table, Tian wanted some more food, this time, instead of clapping for "more," he actually closed both of his fists and signed "more" the proper way!
8.18.09 I was sitting on the floor playing with Tian, and Tian crawled up to me, got into a standing position leaning on me. I slowly moved away from Tian, which left him in a standing position! YAH! He can stand!
8.11.09 Not only do I shop at Kmart, but I also feed my boys at the Little Ceasar's inside of Kmart. I know, unhealthy! Anyhow, Tian wanted more pizza, so, how did he ask? By clapping his hands. Pretty close! Trey and I started clapping in excitement, which made Tian clap even more!
8.7.09 Sat on my lap, watching about 10 minutes of Blue's Clues, while saying, "Da" at certain parts of the show and pointing.
8.4.09 Would throw a ball and then crawl after it to retrieve it. Like playing fetch!
8.2.09 Made a panting noise for Dog and blew air out of his mouth as if to blow out a candle after I demonstrated the action.
7.29.09 I began singing, "Patty Cake, Patty Cake" and Tian began clapping!
6.29.09 We stopped at a snow cone shack for Family Night. Tian was begging for a taste, so we gave him a few licks. We now know that Tian gets WAY TOO hyper off of sugar because all night he was giggly about EVERYTHING and was doing tricks. One trick he tried was to pull himself up onto our TV stand. Another trick he tried was to pull himself into a standing position while holding onto the sofa, and then he would let go and giggle. Crazy boy. He is way too sensitive to sugary foods. Unlike his sugar BIG brother!
6.21.09 Tian pulled himself up onto our trunk/coffee table.
6.21.09 We woke up, on Father's Day, at 7:30 (what a blessing THAT was!) to Tian standing in his crib saying, "Dada Dada." NO JOKE! What a sweet Father's Day gift!
6.16.09 Tian was making a customer behind us at Walgreens smile. Not noticing what he was doing, the customer began waving at Tian. I looked at Tian, and HE was waving at HER. I should have told her SHE was the first one he ever waved at!
6.15.09 I don't know if this is a skill or not, but Tian survived a tumble down our stairs. He fell down 10+ stairs. AHHHHH, I felt horrible.
6.10.09 Tian was getting into something he wasn't supposed to upstairs in our bonus room. I said, "Tian, ah, ah," and he looked over at me with the biggest guilty face I have ever seen. Like he knew better.
6.5.09 Miss Denise said that Tian had pulled himself up onto the gate which is in the doorway of the baby room. I said, "WHAT?" She said he was all over the place, getting into everything, and eventually made his way to the doorway where there is a gate, keeping the babies in the room. She said that POSSIBLY his friend Ella (who is only 13 days older then Tian) "helped" him up to the gate, but they were BOTH standing at the gate. I was in shock!
6.5.09 When I dropped off Tian at daycare, Miss Denise, his morning teacher said, "Tian, you have grown!" I thought it was because she had been around newborns all week. Later in the day, I called Miss Denise at daycare to check up on Tian and she said, "Rebecca, Trey has really grown." She said she had measured Tian next to his friend Ella last week and they were about the same height. This week, as they were STANDING UP AT THE GATE (more on THAT one later!) Tian was a whole head taller then Ella!
5.29.09 Tian has takeoff! His stomach is off the ground now and is using both his hands and legs to crawl! This is all new territory for us. Trey went from rolling, to crawling. (mind you, Trey began crawling at age one and one day!) We found Tian in the hall closet getting into everything this morning!
5.28.09 We officially know Tian's esophagus and bowels are in working order. While changing a very poopy diaper, I found a red shiny bead! We have been calling Tian "Dyson" because he combs our carpets for anything he can put in his mouth. We now know he hasn't lost his suction and his plumbing is in working order!
5.20.09 On our 9 year wedding anniversary, Tian began army crawling! We now can't keep him contained!
4.11.09 Tian sat for the first time for a picture!
4.8.09 Two bottom middle teeth are now very visible!
4.8.09 Tian looked over at Trey, gave him a "hug" and said, "Ah, GeGe!" I have told Trey that is Tian's name for him!
4.7.09 Teething doesn't stop this little man from progressing. He started to sit on his own, using his arms stretched out to the sides to balance. He also began to scoot, very slowly backwards and to push himself up off the floor with straight, locked arms.
4.6.09 Full blown cough with runny nose. Tian HATES to have his nose wiped. Poor guy!
4.5.09 Tried to give cousin Tyson a kiss before he poked Tyson in the eye with his finger! Sorry Tyson!
4.4.09 While waiting for Trey and Justin to finish watching a cycling race, I was letting Tian drink from a stainless steel coffee mug full of water. (we don't drink coffee, it was a freebie I received from work for being such a FABULOUS employee! Actually, we were ALL given the same coffee mug, but I would like to think of mine as extra special!!!!:) ) Anywho, as Tian was gumming the mug, I started to hear a scratching noise coming from his mouth onto the mug. I pulled the mug away, which made Tian very sad, and saw some little scratch marks made by none other then his TEETH! And to think Dr. Archibald said he wasn't teething! A mother always knows best!
4.4.09 Coming back from his first day at "D.L." Tian is making a new sound. It is a form of blowing raspberries, but he incorporates a "BaBa" with his tongue rubbing his bottom gums before blowing the raspberries. (If ANY of that makes sense.) I swear he must have picked up this new little "skill" from Miss Denise, his teacher!
4.3.09 First day at the new Daycare, "D.L." He was a complete angel, and I am NOT making that up one bit! He received a "perfect report card" with many wonderful things to be said. When I called to check up on him, the director of the center said his teacher, Miss Denise was "IN LOVE" with him! How could you NOT be?!
3.31.09 First dr. appointment for a "cold." He has had a dry cough for a few days, and with his first day at a new daycare coming soon, I had to get him checked out for my piece of mind. The diagnosis: a cough that could last 12 days. AND, Dr. Archibald said he was NOT teething!
3.30.09 LOVES greenbeans! (where did this child come from!)
3.28.09 I have been saying this for a long time, but I think he is finally getting teeth! I can definitely see the bottom right one peering through.
3.26.09 First night in a hotel and slept through the night! (guess the waterpark wore him out!)
3.20.09 Tian is a rolling machine! He can roll from his tummy to his back to his tummy!!
1.6.09 Busy day for Mr. Tian. 1st He began playing with the toys on his swing's tray! 2nd He grabbed a teething toy and began munching on it. 3rd He was lying on his stomach and Trey placed a jingle bell in front of him. You could tell he was trying as hard as he could to reach for the bell with his hand. He got so close to the bell; Trey and I cheered for him.
12.27.08 1st haircut at 14 weeks!
12.13.08 Visited Santa and didn't seem to mind at all!
12.13.08 Grabbed a Bionicle toy of Trey's and started chewing on it!
12.13.08 Loved sitting in his Bumbo!
12.11.08 My cousin Crystal and her roommate Dani drove through Boise on their way back from BYU-I and stayed the night with us. It took Tian forever to warm up to Dani; giving her that nasty glare he gave his friend Ashlyn the day before.
12.10.08 Was sitting next to his friend Ashlyn Warrick and Ashlyn let out a very loud squeal! It freaked Tian out; causing him to scream bloody murder. For the rest of the afternoon, he would only look at Ashlyn with the worst glare. A glare of disgust!
11.2.08 Slept for 4 hours straight during the night. YEAH Tian!!!
10.26.08 Laughed for Grandma Bend over the phone.
10.24.08 Rolled from his stomach to back over his left shoulder.
10.22.08 Rolled from his stomach to back over his right shoulder. 10.16.08 Blew raspberry at me in the middle of the night while I was changing him.
10.13.08 I SWEAR he said, " GAAAH ," Not like it is a word or anything, but it sounded as if he was trying to speak! (wishful thinking.) His voice was very deep!!
10.10.08 Was up most of the night cooing!
9.30.08 Smiled at me
9.27.08 Tracked me with his eyes.
9.26.08 Umbilical Cord fell off.
9.21.08 Giggled in his sleep. If his laugh is going to be ANYTHING like what he did in his sleep, he will have a deep, belly laugh that I am sure will be very infectious!
9.18.08 Tian found his thumb and enjoyed sucking on it right as we were leaving the hospital!
Trey's Baby Observations
- you can often hear Trey saying, "Hi baby Tian, I'm your big brother!"
9.30.08 Taylor Toll was holding Tian at her home while I was getting Trey ready to leave. I asked Trey if we should leave Tian with Taylor. Trey got really sad and said, "No, because Tian is apart of OUR family!" I'll admit, I got teary-eyed!!!
9.21.08 Trey asked if Tian could talk yet. I told him "no." I asked Trey when he thought Tian would be able to talk. Trey thought about it and then replied, "When he gets teeth." 9.17.08 When Trey came to the hospital the morning after Tian was born, he said as he pat my tummy, "Mom, you have another baby in there?" 9.16.08 On the way to the hospital, my mom asked Trey what he thought his little brother would look like. He said, "He will have black eyes, and look like a caterpillar." (Tian IS going to be a caterpillar for Halloween!) And then he added, "Or, he is going to look like an ant, crawling through the grass." 5.26.08 I took Trey to my doctor's appointment. Dr. West was telling Trey all of the things Trey could teach his baby brother. One thing Dr. West said Trey could teach him was to go pee in the toilet! That night, when Justin came home, Trey said, "I am going to be a big helper to my baby brother. I will teach him how to go pee." Justin looked at me with a questionable look on his face, and shrugged my shoulders and said, "That was what Dr. WEST told him he could do, NOT ME!" 6.6.08 Trey asked where his baby brother was. I told him he was in my tummy and I pointed to my tummy. He looked at my tummy and said, "Yup, still shut!" 6.6.08 Trey asked if his baby brother had "all of his friends with him" in my tummy! I said, "I sure hope not!"
small, every day miracles
I take my camera everywhere. I never want to miss any picture moment, and so it travels with me, stays either in the stroller or the purse. It was a crazy Tuesday. I had swimming lessons which Trey gets a little frazzled at, and I was supposed to be starting Activity Days at my home at the exact time Swimming Lessons was to end. I quickly ran out of swimming lessons, took Tian out of the stroller and put him in the carseat. I folded the stroller up and placed it into the back of our car and raced to pick up two girls for Activity Days (actually, it was THREE because they decided to bring a nonmember friend. Good missionaries, VERY illegal considering I had only ONE seatbelt for three girls.) before heading home. We finally finished with Activity Days and WAXING (thanks to Janae for the waxing and dying of my eyebrows, Amy's, and Alyce's bangs and highlights), ate dinner and was off to bed. The next morning, I woke up at 4:30am to go to Albertson's to shop (why didn't anyone tell me they open at 6am) and was in fear. Where was my camera? The last time I saw it was at the bottom of our stroller. I ran out to the car, it wasn't there. I looked through my car, it wasn't there. On my way to Albertson's (which I later found was CLOSED!) I drove by swimming lessons TWICE to see if the camera was on the ground. It wasn't. I was sick to my stomach. Serves me right for taking it everywhere. I went BACK to bed in tears and praying fervently that I would find my camera. At 8:45am I called swimming lessons to see if a camera was turned in. There wasn't. I thought it was either lost or stollen. I called my mom in tears and continued to look for my camera. As I was just about to give up, I looked on the floor, inbetween the door and the passenger seat, and there lie my camera. I can always find things when I am on the phone with my mom, but I also know the Lord heard my prayers. He knows I am completely OCD when it comes to lost objects and that I wouldn't be able to think straight, or be a good mom or friend that day if I had lost my camera! ----------- As Justin was driving the rest of our family onto the interstate home from a night filled with fun thanks to Chuck E. Cheese, a car just barely missed hitting us.
Tian had been up all night fussy and irritated. I thought he was having another bout of Intussusecption. I contimplated long and hard all night as I held our little guy. The following day was a Friday, the day I go into work. When Justin woke up for the morning, I asked him if he could possibly stay home with Tian, I would take Trey to Daycare. Sweet father that Justin is, he agreed we should probably stay home with Tian.
About 6 days later as I was talking with a friend and my daycare center came up in our conversation. She said, "So, are you a little nervous to take your boys there tomorrow?" And I said, "No, why?" And she said, "Well, did you hear about the Swine Flu break out at your center?" The story was all over the news: 9 month old, first confirmed case of the Swine Flu in the Treasure Valley at local Daycare Center. The little baby was Tian's little friend Baby "E" who he loves to play with. She was taken the Friday before to the Daycare, and it was there that all of her symptoms arose. If I would have taken Tian into the Daycare the week before, instead of having Justin stay home with Tian, he would have been exposed to the Swine Flu! Talk about a blessing!
Boise Blog Time
Bledsoe Roaring Springs Talley
Trey attempted 5 out of 6 kiddie slides! Brave Boy!!!
As we cruised along the lazy river, Trey turned to me and said, "This is the coolest park ever!"
2009 Season
5.23.09 1st day of the season for us to attend Roaring Springs. Weather was a little chilly, but that didn't stop Trey from attempting 4 kiddie rides and one adult ride. He is getting so brave!
As of 7.16.09 Trey has attempted 10 rides. 4 of which were grown up rides.
7.16.09 Tian crawled from the side of the kiddie pool to a "play-structure" in the middle of kiddie land. A play-structure Trey would barely attempt just last year. The play-structure has water squirting out from it and water dripping from above. Tian loved it and didn't seem to mind the water pouring on his face. I think he just wants to get in the with big kids.
***our little Roaring Springs weekly routine***
Wednesday mornings at 11am is our regular time to meet. We usually meet our friends the Dribnak's, the Gerratt's or the Parson's.
Monday night are usually spent at the water park. The boys and I will drive to Roaring Springs in Justin's blue car, Justin will have ridden his bike to work, and will meet us at the park after riding from work to the park.
2010 Season
1st time for the season. Weather was perfect, arrived at 5pm and left about 6:15pm. I had my first board meeting for Trey's school at 7pm that night. Trey jumped into the large pool and swam like a fish.
Saw Kenley and Neal at the pool. Tian enjoyed "kicking" the little bubbles in the kiddie area and Trey didn't want to leave the big pool. He would "cannon ball" into the pool, stand up, and then swim to the edge. Two firsts for the night, just as we arrived, we barely missed a lifegaurd jump in and save a boy that didn't know how to swim. (He eventually told him mom the lifegaurd said she would "catch him at the end." Yay right. He and the lifegaurd AND manager of the park searched and searched for his family after the event but could never find them. I found her in the kiddie pool hours later and she hadn't been informed of the situation. I am a bit too nosey.) 2nd, there was quite the brown accident in the kiddie pool which caused an evacuation for quite some time.
Bledsoe Blunders
8.12.09 Trey isn't as adventurous as Tian when it comes to eating. We are always saying, "Tian, you are going to grow up so big because you eat such healthy food." So, for lunch, I thought I would break into our pasta stash I have accumulated through some coupon shopping trips, and made some Pasta Roni for lunch. After some coaxing, Trey finally began eating; and actually surprised himself because he liked it. I said, "Trey, you are going to grow so big! Who are you going to grow up like?" I was thinking he would say, "Like Robert, (my brother) or like Dad," but instead he said, "I am going to grow up as big as Tian!"
8.12.09 Trey and I were working in one of his "preschool" work books at recognizing the letters and circling the letters which correspond with pictures. We were doing "W" and Trey said, "W, here I come!!!"
8.2.09 As we were pulling into our subdivision after a long drive back from our family reunion to California, Trey kept repeating, "It's so nice to be at home." 8.2.09 Trey was "taking a break" and while he sat, he said, "I am four years old now. I don't need you anymore!" 7.20.09 While at a playdate with Jaime and Ava, Trey said, "Jaime, I am going to miss you very, very much. I am going to my Grandma Bend's house for a family reunion." The day after that, Trey said to Jessyka and Keaton, "Hey guys, I am going to miss you very, very, VERY much. I am going to my Grandma Bend's home." When we got home and called our friend Megan to wish her a Happy 4th Birthday and Trey said, "Megan, I missed you VERY, VERY, VERY much while I was gone." 7.23.09 We have had my oldest brother Robert staying for a short trip and Trey is very excited. On this particular day, Robert slept in extremely late (12:00pm) and Trey was very anxious to have him wake up. My mom called earlier that morning and asked Trey if Robert had woken up. Trey said, "No, he's nocturnal. He sleeps all day long and is up all night!" Perfectly stated! 7.18.09 Justin and Trey were loading the car up for a trip to Roaring Springs without me and Tian. I was waving to Trey and Tian started to wave as well. I gave Justin a kiss goodbye, and not a second later, Tian puckered up and smacked his lips! 7.16.09 Alyce Dribnak was holding Tian as I was loading my car. When I came in from being outside, Tian, said, "Maaaaaaama!" Alyce said, "Did he just say, "Mama?!" 7.1.09 Trey can be such a scaredy cat some times. He came off a kiddie slide all nervous and refused to go off it again. I asked him "why." He said, "Because there is a lady up there with a really big tummy." On that particular day, there were a ton of pregnant ladies, ALL wearing bikinis. I told him last year I looked like that (minus the bikini, I wore a tankini! Didn't want to torture anyone with the sign of my naked belly!) and he said, "That's okay. You can look like that, but no one else." Later that day, there was a girl with a thick blue plastic "bag" covering a cast on her leg. She looked like a mermaid if you ask me. She was sitting at the top of yet another slide Trey was attempting, but once Trey caught sight of her silly leg, he came of the slide crying. A friend of mine thought he had hit his bum, but no, he was scared.
7.1.09 We have been giving Trey Melatonin before he sleeps, which has been working like a dream(no pun intended.). Trey was demonstrating to Tian how he takes his Melatonin. He said, "See this little fella (as he was holding up his half of a pill), I put it right here, under my tongue." Don't ask us WHERE he got the name "fella" from!
7.1.09 For breakfast prayer, Trey prayed that Miss Michelle would have a good day. I text Michelle immediately, hoping Trey's little prayer would brighten her day. She said Trey must really be in tune because his little prayer made her morning. That evening, Trey prayed that Miss Michelle would be safe and protected, and that Miss Sherryl (his new teacher at "D.L.") would have a good night. I again text Miss Michelle, telling her Trey had "Miss Michelle" on the brain again and was hoping she was safe and protected. She said that his prayer brought tears to his eyes and that he could come replace her children while they were away on a Summer Vacation with their dad! I bet Trey would enjoy that!
6.29.09 Trey and I were standing in line for an adult waterslide ride at Roaring Springs! (yes, he can go on adult rides now. So scary and a little sad) As we stood at the very top of the landing pad before entering the water slide, Trey looked over all of the city and said, "Look Mom, we can see all of China from here."
6.29.09 Loud, strange noises really effects Trey. He gets so nervous. We were at the Zoo with our friends Jaime and Ava and there just so happened to be a special needs adult group, all of which were in wheelchairs, following us throughout the Zoo. One of the adults started moaning, I am assuming because he was really excited about the Tigers. Well, Trey did NOT like this sound and started to cry. He wanted us to run as fast as we could away from this group. We tried to get away, but we were just not fast enough. They kept catching up to us. In the car, on the way home, I was talking to Trey about this group. Telling him how some people can't talk and so they make other noises to communicate. Some people can't walk, so they have to use wheelchairs. He understood all of this. I said, "Sometimes your uncle Derek makes silly noises, that doesn't seem to bother you." He said, "That's okay, Derek can make those noises. It's okay for him to do that." It is sweet that he looks at Derek as his uncle. Not someone who may not be able to communicate all of the time. Trey doesn't care. Derek is just his uncle!
6.27.09 As we drove to a friend's home for a birthday bbq, we drove past a radio station. Trey pointed at one of the radio towers and said, "There's the Eifel Tower Mom!"
6.25.09 While in line at Costco, waiting for our soda and churros, Trey turned to me and said, "Mom, I am not scared of black men in masks anymore." As if he has ever seen a black man in a mask before, but we were being helped at Costco by a large black man with a white mask covering his mouth. I hadn't even thought the mask would have bothered him.
6.25.09 We were on the way to GNC to pick up some chewable Melatonin for Trey. Dr. Archibald suggested using it to get him to sleep better. Trey knew we were going to GNC for some "medicine to help him sleep" so as we drove, we talked about why he hasn't been sleeping through the night. He told me, "Last night, I dreamed about ghost camels trying to walk through my walls.
6.25.09 As we were grocery shopping at Winco, Trey began singing, "That's why my ex is still my ex." A Jonas Brother's song Trey has picked up on. Trey has been asking me what EVERY song means. He also picked up on the word "kissing" which Trey responded to, "They only kiss when they are married huh?!" 5.31.09 I received this message on my Facebook Account. Thank heavens for Facebook and Rachelle Hurd! Thanks Rachelle for passing this along! You are truly the greatest!
Rachelle Jones Hurd i LOVE being in primary, because i get to listen to all the CUTE things the little kids say. yesterday the kids were learning a primary song for father's day that goes "my daddy is my favorite pal..." and they asked what having your dad as a "pal" meant. trey raised his hand and explained, "it means he is your favowite fwiend!" it was SO ADORABLE! love it. :]
I loved receiving a sweet message in my inbox like this! Rachelle, you made my day!
5.28.09 Tian said, "ahhhhh," and Trey said, "I think 'ahhhhhh' means, 'HI' in Chinese!" I said, "I don't know Trey. But, did you know that 'Tian' in Chinese means 'Heaven?'" Trey said, "No! Maybe MY name means Jesus and Heavenly Father in Chinese." Trey doesn't like to be left out of anything!
5.26.09 Trey asked me to say goodnight prayers because, "your prayers are so beautiful!" AHHHHHH, thanks!
5.23.09 Trey said that God sends lightening and thunder to "get our attention."
5.21.09 After reading bedtime stories to Trey, Trey turned to me and said, "Thanks for being my mom and my best friend!"
4.1.09 After watching the Wizard of Oz at "D.L." (a new movie for Trey! I am surprised the monkeys, Lions, or the "little people" didn't scare him!), during our bedtime stories, Tery turned to Tian and said, "Tian wants my love and my heart because he is made out of tin."
3.21.09 After a thundering rainstorm, Trey went outside with Justin to take back a DVD. After a minute or so of being outside, Trey ran inside and said, "Mom, Mom, there is a beautiful rainbow. Come look!" I went outside, where I met Justin, who was told, by Trey, to watch the rainbow so it didn't disapear. I told Trey the rainbow WAS beautiful, and Trey's response was, "Wasn't that a lovely surprise?"
3.11.09 Justin was getting ready for a "Press Conference" with the local news for a project taken place in Meridian. I was explaining to Trey that Daddy would be on the news and we would have to watch him on the TV. Trey got a bit teary-eyed and asked if he could go with Daddy in the TV. I think he thought Justin was actually going to be IN the TV and Trey didn't want to be left behind.
2.21.09 We try to have Family Night once a week, whether it lands on Monday night or not. One morning, Trey asked, "Mom, can we have "Family Morning?!"
2.20.09 Trey, Tian and I were all laying down for the boys naptime. Trey was getting all sentimental, asking me if he could hug me, cuddle me, etc. I said, "Trey, I love you!" He responded, "Sometimes you don't love me Mommy." I asked him, "When have I ever said I don't love you?" His response, "Last Thursday." He has the craziest imagination!
1.13.09 Trey woke up saying his heart hurt. I asked him, "Why?" He said, "Because I got too much sleep." (Yeah right, this kid could NEVER get enough sleep. He ended up having a stomach bug and threw up all day. It wasn't his heart hurting, it was his tummy poor guy!)
1.10.09 Trey said he put a spell on Tian. I said, "Why did you put a spell on Tian?" He said, "So you can't understand what he is saying when he talks!"
1.6.09 Trey woke up asking if he could go to Thailand. I asked him, "Why do you want to go to Thailand?" His response, "Because it is in Chinese."
1.3.09 Trey asked, "Why does the sun turn into the moon?"
12.17.08 Trey and I were driving in the car and after listening to a Jonas Brother's song, Trey asked, "Mom, when I grow up, can I be a Jonas Brother?!"
12.16.08 It has been over a month since we last saw "Mama Mia" and Trey is STILL singing the songs. This is what he sings, "Mama Mia, where's my Daddy?!" Funny, but also scary how much he picked up on the plot!
12.14.08 Grandma Marie asked Trey if she could put him in her suitcase and take him home with her. He said, "no, because I wouldn't be able to breath in there!"
12.14.08 It was the first day of snow. While driving home from church, I asked Trey what he wanted for lunch. He said, "A snowball."
11.30.08 Trey said, "Mom, babies don't live in our tummies; food lives in our tummies!" 11.25.08
While I am driving, I frequently ask Trey what Tian is doing. Today he said, "Tian is eating his fingers for lunch!" Tian is always chewing on his hands, and to Trey, that probably looks as if he is EATING them!
2.15.08 Trey had just been babysat by his favorite babysitter, Taylor the night before. I was using the restroom, and Trey was standing in front of me. He said, "Taylor shut bathroom door last night." I thought, what a perfect opportunity to teach "Privacy!" So, I told him we usually give someone privacy when they have to use the restroom. Trey looked at me a little funny, turned around to our bathroom window, opened it up and said, "Privacy, where are you? Mom, where did Privacy go?" As if Privacy was a person and we gave it away!
3.5.08 For breakfast prayer, Trey said, "Please bless the cow's poop." When he was finished with his prayer, I asked him, "What did you bless?" He said very matter-of-factly, "I blessed the cow's poop." This past weekend, we did see a lot of poop from the cows on Grandma and Grandpa's Bend ranch.
4.20.08 It was snowing after church as I was chatting with my friend Annabelle. I said to Annabelle, "What? Snow in April?" And in a sweet voice, coming from his carseat, Trey said, "Excuse me Mom. Actually, it is water!" Well then, I guess snow IS technically water, FROZEN!
7.25.08 Trey came and woke me up very early to tell me he wanted me to come sleep with him. How could I resist?! As I laid down next to him, he said, "Mom, my favorite color is red," very matter-of-factly. I said, "Oh, nice." And then he added, "And sometimes blue too!"
8.24.08 I was asking Trey what he wanted to eat for lunch as we were arriving home from church. He told me he wanted to eat some meat. I asked him if he would like some ham, he said, "Um, no, I would like some Falcon meat." WHAT? He has been watching Diego recently, and I believe there is an episode where Diego is helping a Falcon. I just laughed, and thanked my lucky stars I had some lunch meat in our fridge.
8.24.08 Trey came running out of his room and said, "Mom, I have a big favor to ask you." I said, "Okay, what is it?" He replied, "Please pick up all of my toys." He had dumped out a basket of cars in the front room and expected me to pick them up. HMMMMMMMMMM!
8.25.08 Trey calls Gummy Worms: Gummy Germs and Nurses: Nerds!
10.15.08 Trey tends to run around without clothes after his bath. This morning, as usual, he was running around in his birthday suite saying he was a bad guy. I told him bad guys always wear their clothes and he said, "No they don't. Lamanites don't wear clothes and they are bad guys."
1 comment:
Seriously, you left him dressed like that? Wow, you've come a long way BABY!
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