Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bend or Bust

Trey and I loaded up our car and headed off to Bend, Oregon with GiGi and G.Pa in tow!
The trip went fairly well, I did think I lost my grandparents somewhere between a foggy section and Brothers, Oregon, but it just turns out that my Grandpa started to doze at the wheel, so he turned the driving over to my Grandma. (I didn't realize this had happened until AFTER we arrived in Bend, and I just about FREAKED! After Justin and my wedding reception, my Grandpa and cousin were driving back to Utah and my Grandpa fell asleep at the wheel and rolled his truck, so flashbacks filled my mind. AHHHHHHH! So, needless to say, rolling a car in Brother, Oregon would have NOT been the best place to be standed.)
Trey was VERY excited to see his Grandma Bend, and the new baby cows that had been born days before we arrived! We were hoping more baby cows would be born while we were there. Trey says the baby cows are "beautiful."

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