Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Playgroup at Cabella's

We enjoyed Cabella's so much a week ago, we decided to take our girlfriends Beni and Megan to playgroup. It was so fun watching the differences between Trey, the boy, and his two girl friends. They were so sweet, talking to the "really dead" animals (as Trey calls them!) and watching the fish swim so gracefully. (Beni picked out a pink fish that I think she nicknamed "Princess!")

And then there is Trey, teaching them how to shoot guns and play video games. Megan looked like she really got into the gun shooting, Beni on the other hand held the gun in her hand like a baby.

Those two girls are so sweet!
After Cabella's, we went across the street to Wendy's for lunch. (Wendy's the fast food joint, NOT Megan's mom Wendy!)

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