Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday's Free Movie

Charlotte's Web, the new version, is one of Trey's favorite movies. I about died when I noticed Edward's had it on their list as one of the free Wednesday "Free Family Flicks" movie, so I took Trey to see it on the big screen!

We were one of 4 families in the theater and it was fantastic. Trey sat through the whole thing, asked many questions, as if he had never seen it before (and believe me, he has seen it MANY times!), and after the movie was done, he went down on the first floor and watch some of the movie watchers dance to the credits music. As I was watching the movie credits, I was amazed at how many actors played the voices. I obviously knew that Julia Roberts played Charlotte, but Oprah and Cedric the Entertainter played the two Geese. Who knew!

After the movie, we walked around the lobby and found larger then life cut outs of the High School Musical Gang, promoting their new movie due out this fall. Trey just about freaked. I tried to get a picture of him with his "idols," but this is as close as he got. Do you see ANY of the cut outs? NO! He wouldn't even come close. He just admired from afar!

-Trey pointing at the larger then life cutouts!-

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