Thursday, February 12, 2009

Special Olympics: Floor Hockey

We took a day off from Special Olympics, and returned Thursday afternoon to Floor Hockey. Justin joined us for these events, the floor hockey venue was so close to his work! When we got out of the car, I realized I had left our camera in our other car, in Justin's work parking lot. I was so mad! My mom reminded me of my trusty camera phone; thankfully Justin upgraded me for Christmas!

I didn't know what to expect with floor hockey. Back in middle school, we played floor hockey for a week out of the school year, but it was NOTHING like the floor hockey we witnessed. The only player with a hockey stick is the gollie. The other players have rod-like sticks and the puck has a hole in the center. The players can "pick up" the pucks with their sticks and chuck it over the heads of the players.

We were watching the games for a while (there were also 8 or so games going on at once!) when the Honduras Floor Hockey Team came and sat by us. All of the girls were drawn to Tian, talking and smiling at him. Eventually, one of the girls grabbed Tian from Justin and took Tian to her teammates and the girls went NUTS! I think Justin was freaking out inside, but not to worry. I followed Tian and sat right in the midst of the girls going gaga! As Tian sat on one of the girls laps, I noticed she had a medal hanging around her neck. It was a GOLD! She didn't seem to think winning the gold was THAT big of deal as I pointed at the medal and "tried" to take pictures of it with my phone.

Tian was passed around to each girl, given kisses, and some of the girls took pictures with Tian on their laps! You would have thought he was the first baby they ever laid eyes on! Needless to say, I didn't get any pictures of the games, and only took pictures of Tian with the cute girls!

Well, it looks like I can't upload the cell phone pictures at the moment. Like I said, the phone is new to me, camera pictures is WAY new to me, and it will take me a while to figure posting those pictures! They are way cute, so I will have to get out the user manual and upload those pictures! Until then, I will publish this post anyhow!


RaCHELLE HuRD said...

i have always emailed myself the camera-phone pictures! send them like a picture-text msg, but change the entry mode to letters instead of numbers, and input your email address instead of a phone number. try it!

diana palmer said...

no no no, the pleasure was all mine, stalker lady! hahahahahaha!!!! little did i know the nice looking lady in the cute sweater already KNEW who i was (more laughter, but i'll stop teasing now). keep the comments coming!

diana palmer said...

um, where did my last comment go? basically it was teasing you, and some laughter, and letting you know i was even more glad to meet you!