Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Speed Skater "Sarah"


Before these girls began to skate, this sweet skater by the name of Sarah stood at the starting line either having a seizure or "stimming out." I thought for sure they weren't going to start the race because she couldn't stand still for any period of time. The officials finally shot the starting gun and they were off. Before the race, Sarah had a very nervous look about her, wringing her hands and pacing, but once she heard the starting gun, she was all smiles and determination was written across her face! There were many times I thought for sure she was going to crash into the walls as she rounded the corner, but she never did. I over heard a spectator saying she always takes her corners wide, therefore, she never wins. She didn't seem to mind she was in last place. She was too busy having the greatest time, skating really hard, with the widest grin. As she would round the corner and pass by our section, everyone started chanting her name, which turned on the waterworks for me! Sarah inspired me. I was so grateful to have experienced such determination and power by such an unexpected source!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Rebecca! I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing what fun adventures you are up to. I just have the darndest time pulling up your blog most times, but today the heavens opened so I thought I'd tell you I try and visit more often than what it appears but I usually am not able to get on.:) I really think the Special Olympics should be broadcast internationally, it's just such a terrific event with spirit like no other. So cool!