Tuesday, June 29, 2010

blow fish

As I was making dinner, I could hear Trey giggling uncontrollably on the other side of my kitchen bar. He finally said, "Mom, come see Tian." This is what I see....

....some love between Cooper. Awww, how sweet! (for the record, this picture grosses me out. I have never enjoyed dogs licking me. ESPECIALLY on the face.)

Here is our blow fish...

(I love Tian's small, sausage-like chubby fingers in this picture!!!)

Trey is usually the one making Tian laugh. So, for Tian to make TREY laugh is pretty sweet!

1 comment:

sauter signs off said...

Adorable. I agree (I know you knew this already), dogs should not kiss peoples mouths.. it's just wrong!