Monday, October 22, 2007

The Dragonfly learns the art to Trunk-or-Treating

Trunk-or-Treating is an annual event for the 24th Ward in Nampa, and this year was a special one in deed. Trey was going to go Trunk-or-Treating! The Halloween pail was made, the candy was bought, ham and potato soup was made, the pumpkins were placed in the back of our car, and the dragonfly was put in his carseat! Trey was very nervous walking up the to church. There were many, many boys with their faces painted and Trey did NOT like that. In fact, all the way up to the church doors he was whispering, "Don't like it. Don't like it." Once it was time for the candy, Trey didn't care WHAT people looked like. As Justin sat in the back of our trunk handing out candy (I didn't realize why he was so excited to sit and hand out candy UNTIL I came to our car and could hear the BSU football game playing!) I took Trey from trunk to trunk. He would whisper, "Trick-or-Treat," but I doubt anyone heard him. I have to say, he made one cute dragonfly!

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