Monday, October 15, 2007

No Good Morning?!

As I was getting ready for work, I walked into our bedroom to brush my teeth. I was trying to be so quiet, considering Trey was asleep in our bed (YES, the boy is TWO and he is still ending up in our bed at night! That is for a whole new blog entry I am sure!). As I passed him, he sat straight up, looked at me and said, "Mom, Happy Halloween!!!" WHAT, no "good morning" or "hello mom?" He must have been having a wonderful dream about Halloween because he said it with such enthusiasm, I just couldn't help but laugh!


Anonymous said...

Looks like Trey loves his halloween costume. He is so cute.

Travis and Marie said...

I think that's darling...he's so animated about life in general...It's nice though because it tends to be contagious and you can't help but have a good day after they say something so sweet.