Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Eve at the Beach

I am sure you are expecting beautiful pictures of sunny weather and woman in bikinis, but this IS Washington State. The weather was sunny, but all of the woman were bundled up in many layers of clothing-no bikini's on this day!

Trey was very excited to go to the ocean, and the only way he was getting there was in Grandma and Grandpa's Mini Cooper!

Kites were flown as the wind blew like crazy, waves were dodged (as you can see the tide was VERY, VERY high!), and kids and dogs ran around like crazy!

Trey and cousin Canyon

Trey flying a kite!

Before watching this video, please turn off our music so you can hear how windy this day really was. (The music is found at the bottom of our blog, on the right hand side.)

Grandma Marie

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