Sunday, December 30, 2007


It was off to the movies in Aberdeen, Washington. Now, this theater is VERY small, but it has a HUGE history! Here it is!
Weeks after Tom and Katie had baby Suri, Mission Impossible came out in the theaters. Before the big premieres, there was a huge Internet contest, and the winner received a special viewing of Mission Impossible with Tom himself. Well, I believe he was a Wal-Mart Worker in the photo lab (I could be wrong) from Aberdeen, Washington won the contest, and so Tom and Katie (baby Suri was left behind in the private Jet with 30 Nanny's I am sure!) flew out to dinky Aberdeen, greeted fan (including Grandma Marie, thanks to my begging and pleading!) and then met the man who won the contest. Rumor has it, Tom didn't stay for the viewing, but he did take many pictures with the press, Mayor, and fans. Katie, what a trooper, just popping out that cute Suri, and the next week, off to Aberdeen, Washington.
In the food court of this Mall/Theater, is a whole shrine of the perfect day when Tom and Katie visited the little town of Aberdeen!

Okay, on to the movie blog!
Marie, Me, Trey, Jordan, and his friend-who-is-a-girl Becky (yes, there might be TWO Rebecca Bledsoe's, and two Tina Bledsoe's in the future!) went and saw Enchanted! LOVED it! Dr. McDreamy is even THAT more dreamy in this flick. Trey liked it, but unfortunately, when you ask him NOW what his favorite part of the movie was, he will reply, "When the man ate the chipmunk ALL GONE!" WHAT?

Larry, Justin and Megan went and saw National Treasure. I am sure Justin WISHES he went and saw Enchanted with us because we just kept on raving about what a good movie Enchanted was. He wasn't all that impressed with HIS movie!

In the meantime, Fosha went to a friends home with her two boys to teach them an African Dance. Fosha's little guys are limited on how much television they can watch, so they visited a friend instead.
Christina took Nora to the Nutcracker, and then on to Nora's dad's home to spent the majority of her Christmas break.
I think everyone enjoyed their afternoons, wherever they might have been!

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