Sunday, January 27, 2008

Dinner @ Rockies and the Bee Movie

We have driven past this diner hundreds of times and I have always wanted to check it out, and this evening just so happened to be the most perfect opportunity! I had heard it was kid friendly and a place Trey would love, boy, did he LOVE it!
When we entered the diner, we were greeted by a waitress on roller skates who took us down this ramp into our own little corner booth! There was a DJ in a booth busting out "oldies but goodies music," and to complete the atmosphere, there was a huge motorcycle standing on top of a table, and guitars hanging from the ceiling! I was amazed, and Trey was in heaven!
We had some delicious fried food and a real old fashioned chocolate soda!
This is a place we will definitely return to!!!

If you look behind us, you can see the guitars and the motorcycle!

After dinner, we went and saw the "Bee Movie" at one of our favorite theaters! Talk about old school, this theater comes complete with the drape covering the movie screen, and when you purchase your movie ticket for $3.50, you get $3.50 worth of snacks! I love it! The best part about their snacks, they have carmel corn!!! Trey really enjoyed the movie, he has been wanting to watch it for months, I think he was excited to finally see it!

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