Sunday, January 27, 2008

Running with Scissors

While at WINCO I either made the dumbest purchase, or the wisest purchase; I have yet to figure it out!
Trey wants to cut with "grown-up" scissors so badly, I always catch him sneaking them out of our scissor drawer, and then I have to chase, CHASE him around the house to grab them from his chubby grasp!
So, I thought buying him a pair of his own scissors, I can teach him how to hold the scissors correctly, cut paper, and most importantly, WALK while holding the scissors PROPERLY!

Look at that proud expression on his little face! Needless to say, there hasn't been any running with scissors since he has had his own orange scissors (the color was VERY important to him!) and his cutting skills are smokin'!


JD said...

He is such a smart little guy. By the way, I don't think it's bragging--you're just a proud mom and one of the best parts of being a mom is talking about all the wonderful things our kiddos do!

The Godell Family said...

So, you have been tagged. See my blog for more info. You don't have to do it but it is kinda fun to get to know people better!