Monday, February 25, 2008

Sk8r Boi (AKA Skater Boy!)

As I was enjoying Tina's Baby Shower, Trey and Justin were testing out Trey's new toy, a skateboard. We were shopping for Tina's oldest son Jerad's birthday present and Trey just so happened to find a skateboard, just his size.
He is actually pretty good, but I am afraid for the day when it gets warm outside and he wants to try to ride down the driveway. Thankfully, medically imaging for our family is free, I think we could be taking advantage of it very soon!


Sommers said...

I think when he get older you are totally going to need the x-rays. Me too. any discounts for friends... hee hee. How was McCall?

Megan and Dan said...

He is so cute! I love all of your blog posts! Thanks for adding me to your blog!

Christy said...


kristen said...

your little guy is so cute. The skateboard is awesome, tell me how that goes!! I miss you!!