This tradition began with Justin's family. Justin's mom would make chocolate chip cookies and add crushed candy canes into the dough. Justin enjoys these special cookies at this time of year, so I decided to put my own twist to the recipe (white chocolate chips instead of milk chocolate!) and we put these cookies on our Santa Plate we painted. Trey, aka: Richard Ray" of course LOVED making the cookies; especially crushing the candy!
"PEACE" on Earth!
***Don't ask my why Trey flashed a "peace" sign when I took this picture. He is getting to be quite the silly man!***
Oh please please share the recipe!!! I have some extra candy canes that I need to use and it sounds soo yummy!!!
So funny with his peace sign.
I forgot to tell you that I loved the plate. We never had a cool Santa plate while you were growing up.. sorry about that!
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