Check out this snowman! It took Justin, Taylor and Robert to lift the "head" onto the snowman.
To keep the snowbuilding tradition alive, Justin and my brothers also built a snow fort/slide. Trey is so brave, sliding in all different directions down this slide. I even attempted the slide!!!
And while we were playing in the snow, Grandpa Bend tended to Tian. It was so cute, through the window, I saw Grandpa Bend dancing with Tian! You can often find Grandpa snuggled up with Tian, just as he did with baby Trey! Thanks Dad for watching Tian while we played in the snow! It was so nice not having to worry about Tian, and I am sure he enjoyed some time with just you! He sure does love you!
Just as Tian had done earlier in the day, Trey came in from an afternoon in the snow, and was out cold! Rosey cheeks and all, fell right asleep on the couch!
I love Trey's rosey cheeks. So cute!
I forget how cold it was. Sure was fun though!
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