Friday, April 10, 2009


Lunch time has been more enjoyable now that Tian can sit at the big table and eat along with us. Trey isn't the greatest eater, but with Tian eating right next to him, Trey eats a whole lot more. Today, they ate carrots! (Don't worry, Tian's carrots had been put into the Magic Bullet blender before devoured!)


RaCHELLE HuRD said...

does the magic bullet work well? do you just put them in there raw? i am lazy, and have been buying T's baby food! but i feel like i am at the store all the time stocking up. :) (and spending too much $$.)

RaCHELLE HuRD said...

thanks for the info on the magic bullet!! i have steamed and blended a few things in the blender in the past... but i suppose i need to just buckle down and get 'er done! she is starting to eat SOME regular foods now, so that is nice. and yep, she is crawling! EVERYWHERE. and she can pull herself up on everything, and is into everything. she is so curious, it drives me nuts. :) anyway, sorry you can't figure out your stick figure family! it is easy to create, but tricky to post. did you have fun making it? i laughed a lot while making mine. hey, on our way out to our inlaws this weekend, we were at a stoplight on meridian rd, and saw justin workin' away! i waved at him for you, but of course he didn't see me! anyway, hope you have a great week!