Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Trey the Tutor

On our way to church Easter Sunday, Trey asked, "Mom, can I be a tutor?" (referring to one of Derek's tutors.) I said, "You can pretend to be."

Trey took this a little to the extreme. He always enjoys interacting with Derek's tutors, and sometimes helping them with Derek's drills, but Trey wanted to be WITH the tutor AND Derek constantly. I believe Trey got on their nerves just a tad.

We found Trey manipulating Derek into sneaking Trey candy, movies and Wii games. Derek will usually say "Yes" to any question, so:

Trey would say, "Derek, can I have some of your Easter Candy? Say 'yes'."

And of course, Derek would say, "Yes."

Trey would come running to me and say, "Derek said I could have some of his Easter candy."

Other times, I caught Trey saying, "Derek, say, 'poop'." OR, "Derek, say, 'pee-pee.'"

Finally, we tried to put a stop to "Trey, the Tutor" and told Trey he doesn't need to be Derek's tutor constantly. Derek doesn't need practice on saying "poop" or "Pee" and that he should just talk to Derek.

Here are some pictures of Trey, the Tutor "working" with Derek.


Sommers said...

You guys always do such fun things when you go to bend!! i want to go with you someday!! Derick and Trey are so good for eachother. I love it. I can't wait for girls night!

Hills said...

That is funny!!!