The first field trip of the school year was to Linder Farms! Linder Farms is by far one of our favorite places for the Fall. Our whole family was stoked to be going to Linder Farms with Trey's class. Justin took some time off of work during the day to accompany us, which was such a special thing! He is so thoughtful and supportive, I love you Justin!
Enough mushy stuff, on to the pumpkin patch!
The beginning of our Pumpkin Adventure was in the straw bail maze for some running around

The straw bail maze.

Trey's friend Tyler!

Next was a hay ride through all of the different pumpkin patches. The kids were instructed to look at all of the different shapes and colors the pumpkins had. There was one patch that Justin and I noticed had a bad case of Pumpkin Warts. So sad.
Trey insisted on sitting "by his friends" for the hayride and sat as far away from us, the embarrassing parents has he could. Thank you Jessyka and Alyce for making sure he didn't bail off the tractor!

Trey sitting between both Keaton/Keatyn's! Keaton is his friend from swimming lessons/Roarings Springs, and Keatyn will be his wife some day (if Trey has his way.)!!!! Check out the way he is smiling at her. Is he 'flirting' already? AHHHHHHHHH! (one afternoon before a nap, Trey whispered to me, "Mom, can I marry Keatyn B. after my mission?")

Tian was very enthrauled by the hayride. He would point to the pumpkins and make sounds through that silly pacifier. (since he has been teething lately, that pacifier is his new best friend.)

What a supportive Dad! I just love him so much, and love the father he is!

Miss Des explaining the different pumpkin imperfections! She is the greatest, and notice Trey is right by her side AND right next to his future bride! He loves his teachers and the cute girls in his class!

Trey listening intently to the cycle of a Pumpkin.

Looking at a picture of the Corn Maze. This years theme is Boise State.

Tian walking through the Pumpkin Patch. Nice hoodie huh?! Thanks to Auntie Sommers and a total snob at a Carl's Jr, I will be forever grateful to Sommers and her boldness! (A snob eating lunch at Carl's Jr. had a son with the cutest hoodie on. Sommers was so brave and asked her where she got her son's cute jacket. The snob's reply, "In Europe" and quickly turned away. Sommers and I have always looked for a jacket like that ever since! Sommers found this cute hoodie and gave it to Tian for his 1st birthday.)

My friend Alyce and her sweet little guy Tyler! Isn't he the cutest?!

As I was taking this picture of Tian, the owner of Linder Farms walked by and asked if I would post this picture on their Facebook account! Well, OF COURSE! Notice the mud on the bottom of Tian's shoes? Yes, proof our little guy IS walking!
Looks like you had so much fun!! I can't wait to go this weekend. You are such a beautiful family!! i love the hair!! You are becoming quite the photographer. You don't need that class!! Which by the way are you going to take it? Have a GREAT Day!!
The cutest family. What a dad Justin is.. probably the only one out there having fun with his family!!!
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