Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tian and the Sandbox

I secretly think Tian enjoys the sandbox more then Trey! I also secretly think Tian is braver then Trey. Tian would play in the sandbox all day long, he wouldn't care if I was outside with him or not. Trey on the other hand is a little more cautious. If Trey is outside, Tian desires to be outside.

Tian wanting ever so badly to climb up the slide just like Trey is. Notice his pj's, it is just easier to put him in pj's then have to worry about sand in the socks and shoes. Plus, he is warmer! (the sun is shining but it is NOT warm!)
Instead, he just drove a car up and down it.

I was waiting for him to eat the sand out of his pail, but to my surprise, he didn't!

Tian loves to dig, throw, eat, and crawl through the sand. We love you Tian!

1 comment:

sauter signs off said...

Tian is an all boy boy! I love it.
Thank goodness he doesn't eat sand...yet!