Sunday, July 18, 2010

I have been trying to figure out why Tian's face is breaking out in splotches every once in a while. I have used so much aquafor on his face, most of his shirts have grease stains on them. We finally have realized what it is: Strawberries. Tian loves strawberries, poor guy, but it is out of his diet now. No fresh strawberries, strawberry yogurt, strawberry jam or strawberry popsicles.

Love the bed head.

This little cabage patch has been a little friend Tian loves to sleep with at times. Have I mentioned, not only does Tian sleep with three blankets which he has named "Baby" but he insists on taking two toys to bed with him. This doll looks a little like him, minus the bald head.

1 comment:

sauter signs off said...

Poor little strawberry kissed face!