Monday, December 17, 2007

Holiday Ice Show at Idaho Ice World

Grandma Marie called us Saturday morning asking if we would like to go to an Ice Show! We said we would love to! Idaho Ice World must put on a yearly ice show, showcasing all of their student's progress and talents! It was so much fun to watch all of the different abilities, strengths, and sometimes weaknesses. Trey blurted out one time in a girls routine (after she had fallen, OF COURSE!) "OUCH, that girl fall down. Boom!" And, I am sure, with our luck, her parents were sitting right behind us!
Santa made an appearance during "intermission" which got the crowd excited! Tacy loved Santa and beckoned him over to our area!
Santa greeted the crowd as we waited in line to enter the arena. Unfortunately, the best picture of Trey with Santa is a bit blurry! I still think you can see Trey's excitement/fear!
The joy of trying to get a picture of 4 kids under the age of 9. HILARIOUS! Grandma Marie says, "Smile for the picture" and everything goes down the drain. Jared does NOT want Katie on his lap, so, at the moment of exposure, he kicks her off his lap (she is the big blog of fuzz in the middle). Jacob looks as if he is searching for the rest of his candy cane, and Tacy is smiling as best as she can, trying to hold on for dear life before plummeting down the bleachers! Grandma Marie looks a little confused, she said to "smile!"
I obviously haven't gotten the hang of taking 4 kids pictures all at once, but I can handle one!

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