Monday, December 17, 2007

St. Al's Christmas Luncheon


Every year St. Al's puts on a wonderful Christmas Luncheon for their employees! This year was fantastic! My favorite, the mashed potatoes and the personal sized pecan pies!

I thought I had to show some pictures of work, just to prove I really do go to work some days! Now, I didn't get pictures of ME working, because, pictures of what I do would be considered pornographic. SO, I took some pictures of co-workers!

Marci, a fellow mammographer!

Ashlie, who was so sweetly stepping in for Shelly who was catching some rays in Arizona for the week! LUCKY!

Mike, a sonographer, who introduced me to the world of the Paparazzi and invited me to meet Matt Damon. I will always be grateful to him!

***And there you have it, the world of Intermountain Medical Imaging at Christmas Time!***

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