It is so fun to watch Trey play with Tian. Trey wanted to play Hide-and-Seek with Tian!
It looks like Tian is so surprised to be found!
After playing, Trey got the giggles so bad, I couldn't help but laugh, and snap some pictures of course!
Due to Halloween and the candy Trey received, he permanently has a chocolate goate smeared under his bottom lip! Nice!
how cute are you with trey? I love it.
How fun to see them interact! I bet that is a blast!
every time I look at your blog there is so much to catch up on. You are so good at keeping up with it. You look so good. And I love all Tian's hair. I knew Trey would be such a great big brother.
Love the outfits. Shaydon has the one Tian has on right now. We should get pix... Hurley!! Love it!
You got one too Sommers? Yes, we should get a pix of them together in it! Shaydon probably looks so sweet in his!
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