Friday, October 30, 2009

apples #2

Our second apple orchard adventure with Alyce and Tyler took place in a total different location. We were sent to a new location where the "Mexicans" (as the orchard owners called them. Not me!) were still picking apples. The orchard owners said, "Pick where the Mexican's are picking because they are FAST but they drop a lot of apples!" After picking for at least an hour, a sweet old man found us and asked if we liked Golden Delicious apples. We told him we did, and then, he took us on the craziest wild goose chase. We were driving up and down dirt roads trying to find ONE golden delicious apple tree. This tree was so hidden, the poor man, bless his old heart, searched for what seemed like eternity. He finally found the tree, and we ended our orchard "run" with bags of fugi apples and one back of Golden Delicious!

After 4 runs to the orchard (two of which were with sweet Alyce and Tyler) I have a garage full of apples that need to be cut up and made into apple sauce, apple pie filling and heaven's knows what else!

Thank you Alyce for the 2 afternoons of apple fun! Until next year!

1 comment:

sauter signs off said...

I love the picture of whomever holding the apple. That is photo-contest worthy! Bring some apples here.. We can make cobblers with them.