Monday, June 29, 2009

To be 16 years old again

I heard on a radio talk show once an interview with Kim Cattrall. The talk show host asked Kim how she stays so youthful. This was her response:
Her and her girlfriend like to drive down the highway in her convertible, with the top down, singing at the top of their lungs to the radio. She said, "Life is too short to act your age." She said she would rather act like a 16 year old. That is what keeps her youthful.!

(Kim Cattrall)

I have always thought of this theory. Yes, there are many situations one needs to act their age; for their husband AND their childrens sake, but there are times when one needs to let loose and act like a 16 year old.

Trey's birthday party was one of those times for me. After watching the kids jump in the jumphouse throughout the evening, I had the strongest urge to join them. Of course, with my weight and their tiny little bones, I probably would have bounced them right out of the house. Once the last little one exited the jumphouse, I turned to Sommers and Brook, who had stayed to visit with their families, and asked them to join me!

You can see sweet Shaydon's hand reaching for his mommy to let him in. We are way too mean!

Who needs a membership to a gym?! Why not purchase a jumphouse?!

Thanks for joining me Brook and Sommers for my 16 year old flashback, just 13 years a little late!!!

Sommers son Shaydon (pictured here in the totally p*mped out outfit, thanks to our family favorite Hurley brand! Shaydon, you are too stinkin' cute!) and Brook's daughter McCall were so ticked WE were in the jumphouse and they were not. They wanted to join us!

Thank you to Brook, Sommers, and their families for staying a little longer to visit! It has been 8 years since we became friends; it is always nice to catch up with their lives. We love them and enjoy our time spent with them.

1 comment:

Ammon and Tasha said...

It would be wonderful to be 16 again wouldnt it? I wish I still had the energy I had back than! Maybe I could get a lot more done in a day! :) looks like a blast in the jumphouse! Good for you for taking advantage and seizing the moment!