Tian loves taking a bath, and feels a little left out when Trey is in the bathtub and he isn't. Since Tian has been perfecting his "Pulling himself up and Standing" skills, he is often found standing over the bathtub! Trey is such a champ, letting me take pictures of him in all of his glory!
See that yellow ducky head hanging upside down? That is Tian's ducky tub which he loves! Thanks Abbey for introducing me to the ducky tub! The beak even quacks!
He is growing up so fast!! What are you doin on Thursday? Call me.
What cuties! your boys are amazing! Tian is a big guy all of a sudden...what happen?
Hi!Thanks for playing today, we all had fun.
Hello,. w/b
Love it!!! Tian is getting so big. I can't believe he is already crawling and pulling himself up. So cute.
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