Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Birthday Morning for Treyman

Trey woke up to a house full of family and tradition. Grandma Bend, Derek, and Robert were still with us, and the house was decorated with our traditional hearts which messages and memories are written on. Streamers were also hung from Trey's doorway which is a tradition we began when Trey turned 1. Trey slept in a new pair of pj's, Grandma Bend gave them to Trey the night before. The pj's said, "When I grow up, I want to be a Superhero!" They were the greatest pair of pj's to date!

While we were shopping a few days prior for Trey's party favors (which was a Superhero kite, for the boys, and Dora or Strawberry Shortcake for the girls, along with a goody bag) Trey found a ribbon that said, "I am '4' years old today" for him to wear to church, on his birthday. Trey had been wanting to put on his ribbon since the day he found it. Trey immediately pinned that on the morning of his birthday, he was so excited he could finally wear it!

Happy Birthday Treyman!

Tian enjoying the balloons left from Trey's party. When Trey turned one, we joked, saying we should have just given Trey some balloons. That seemed to be the only thing he was interested in. Maybe Tian will be the same way! Look at that static bedhead hair!!!

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