Saturday, August 15, 2009

Aunt Kathy and Uncle Ray

We were fortunate to share a home at the family reunion with Uncle Ray and his wife Aunt Kathy. They have raised SIX boys and are truly inspirational people! Kathy has battled Breast Cancer and handles her health "speed bumps" with such class, strength and courage. (In fact, she is on some medicine at the moment which makes the bottom of her feet feel like they are on fire. And what does she do: She hiked through some caves and barely sat the entire reunion. AMAZING!) I look up to Kathy in every which way. She is an extraordinary example to me.

Uncle Ray is really into cycling, and it just so happened that Justin took his bike to the family reunion. Justin and Ray took a few morning rides which Justin really enjoyed. Me, not so much; only because Trey and Tian were very early risers and keeping them quiet for the rest of the sleeping guests was a bit of a challenge.

While Justin was out on one of his bike rides, there was one incident, occurring on the second to the last day of the reunion that really tested my patience. It happened while I was showering with Trey, who was complaining the entire time that he couldn't feel the water, and Tian, tugging at my slippery legs from outside of the shower. He too wanted in the shower, and was screaming at me to pick him up. He had already taken a bath that morning and was neatly dressed in what was now very soaking wet clothes. After Justin and Ray got back from their bike ride, Justin took the boys so I could finish getting ready. (he IS a very sweet and loving, thoughtful and kind father and husband.) As I was getting ready, Kathy walked by me, could tell I was a bit frustrated, and gave me some of the best advice. She too has been in my shoes and knew exactly how I was feeling. I will forever cherish our little heart to heart!

I caught a sweet glimpse of true love coming from these two. While waiting for a meal to begin, I witnessed Ray and Kathy stealing a sweet hug from each other. Heaven's knows what they have been through as a family; to see them fighting together throughout every life's speed bumps is a faith builder for sure!

We love these two!

Tian with Aunt Kathy

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