Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween Nite

The Halloween Tradition continues as we went Trick-or-Treating with "the cousins" in their neighborhood! Justin and James pushed the babies in their strollers as Tina and I walked with the costume clad cousins.

Our pumpkins! Mine was the "mean" looking one, Justin's was the BOO mouthed one (the BOO was Trey's idea, he was into spelling BOO all month long) and lastly, the cute, smiley one with the tongue sticking out was Trey's.

James pushing Tyson and Justin pushing Tian!

Trey showing his loot! This knight can Trick-or-Treat!

After touring around "the cousins" neighborhood, we drove by Miss Des' home (she was not home and must have been out of town because her yard was covered in T.P. Miss Des' is a very clean lady, I am sure if she would have been home that T.P. would have been picked up quickly!) and then went to our nieghborhood. Trey was out later then some teenagers!

We ended the night with turning our lights on and giving out candy from our door. We got a handful of trick-or-treaters which were greeted by Trey, in his long johns, holding a candy bowl saying, "Trick-or-Treat, please take two!" I will not lie, most of the trick-or-treaters looked at either me or Justin and said, "He is so cute!" Yeah, we think so too!

1 comment:

sauter signs off said...

Yes, we agree, Trey is a cutie pie.