Monday, November 2, 2009

James Bledsoe Family

I was completely flattered when my sister-in-law Tina called me last Sunday evening, while I was taking pictures of the Dribnak family, and asked if I would mind taking a family picture of her family! I was so excited that a family member would trust me with taking her family's picture! We went to a park in their neighborhood, which was so pretty, and took a few pictures! With the time crunch we were under, all children were on their best behavior, and I even got a smile out of James, Justin's brother (heeehee!).

James and Tina with their 6 crazy kids. You say you only see 5 kids in this picture? Look closely at the cute 'little' baby bump Tina is sporting. She was about 18 weeks in this picture, and you can hardly see a thing. Dang her!
Look at that cute little family! We sure are lucky to live so close to 'the cousins' and have their example in our lives!


sauter signs off said...

Nice pictures Rebecca.
Tina isn't even showing! I could have sworn she was pregnant at our house.. but maybe not, I don't know the dates!

Bledsoe said...

Thanks for taking our pictures! You forgot the part where Justin was busy and you were wrestling down your little guys while shooting our pictures. See, you could do 12 kids of your own no problem!