Friday, November 6, 2009

Tian at the Memorial

Tian was very restless during the graveside service. Prior to the service beginning, Justin and I took turns walking around the grounds with him. He was drawn to an orange balloon afixed to a gravestone. Unfortunately, that balloon was no where NEAR the service location and we wanted to hear the service. SO, we found the next best thing to the balloon which was a pumpkin. You might think that was strange, a pumpkin left at a graveside. Rather then a bouqet of flowers or balloons, MANY gravestones had pumpkins next to them. Well, Tian found himself a perfect pumpkin to pick up and drop, to pull it's stem off of and then try to eat the stem. I felt bad for a moment that he had broken off the stem, but that guilt feeling was soon replaced with relief. He was entertained and quiet for the service. All I could have asked for!

He and Trey both enjoyed carrying around the funeral program. Sad to think he really wont remember Grandmother Ricks, the way Justin and I will remember her.
This stick is actually a stem from a flower bouqet that was way past its "pretty" stage. It was way too dead to be laying next to a gravestone, so, Tian took care of it. He used the stem to "tickle" Justin with. Tian thought it was hilarious!

Tian and the famous balloon which held his attention for longer then anything I can think of!
Justin walking the grounds of the cemetery with Tian! Doesn't this picture make Tian look so grown up?! Maybe it's the sweater vest!
Tian was one of 3 children in attendance. Trey being the second child, and the 3rd was hidden beneath a blanket in an infant carrier.

1 comment:

sauter signs off said...

Rebecca, it looked like Tian had a fishing pole. I thought, please, you didn't let him take his pole to the service! You should have gotten the balloon and tied it around his wrist,.. he would have loved it.. but wait, you're nervous around popping balloons, so that wouldn't be a good thing?