Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Photoshoot with Grandma Bend

My hopes this month was to get pictures of our little guys with their grandparents. After Justin's Grandmother Ricks passed away, I realize just how special family pictures are, especially, grandparent pictures! So, bless my mom's heart, I set her up for yet another photo shoot, and right off the bat, Tian wanted NOTHING to do with it. Trey on the other hand, wanted more and more!

Tian and Grandma Bend watching the cows. Unlike Trey, Tian LOVES the cows!
I love the natural lines in this picture: Trey's legs, the barn's door, the 90 degree angle Trey's left elbow is in. AND, Trey's cute little expression.

Playing Hide and Seek in the barn

1 comment:

sauter signs off said...

Great pictures Becca. You are the BEST!