Before Tian was born, I had planned on swaddling him. My friend Sommers has swaddled baby Shaydon since he was born and he was always so comforted. Trey never did like swaddling, so it was completely new to me. Tian LOVES to be swaddled!!!
A place Tian loves to sleep in is the Moses Basket. My friend and co-worker Sonya has lent us her Moses Basket. We used it for Trey, and now we are using it for Tian. Thank you Sonya for letting us use your basket!!! Tian LOVES it, and so do I!
Wow Rebecca when Tian is sleeping he looks like Trey. When his eyes are open he looks like Justin. What a sweet sweet baby. I hope you are doing well.
These pictures make me sleepy.
He looks like such a sweet baby. He is so adorable. Congratulations. I bet you are loving life having your 2 little boys!
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