Monday, October 13, 2008

Linder Farms

We were invited to our friend Gage's birthday party at the Corn Maze. Two days before Gage's party, I threw my back out and didn't think I could run around the maze with Tian strapped to my chest following Trey. Gage's mom Amy offered to take Trey, but I knew he would be a handful. Unfortunately, I had spilled the beans about Gage's party, and Trey was planning on going to a corn maze. So, this evening, we went as a family. Justin strapped Tian to HIS chest, and I just walked, ever so carefully, around the pumpkin patch.

Trey running through a corn maze just his size!

Boys on the tractor-pulled hay ride

I thought we could get some pictures of the two boys in their halloween costumes together.

HMMMMMM, not the BEST picture of our two little Trick-or-Treaters!

Linder Farms has an added feature this year: a petting zoo! We should have brought Trey's ear protection because he was a little nervous about the noise, but he was really brave and even pet a goat.

Brave Boy petting the goat

1 comment:

Hills said...

That looks like fun!!!