Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sommers to the Rescue

Sommers and her healing hands cured me again from a nasty back ache. Justin convinced me I was in need of a massage from Sommers and she was able to get me in that evening. I swear, she has such a gift, I am so grateful to have such a great friend AND someone who is so talented! Some might think it is strange when I tell them one of my bestest friends is also my massage therapist, but I wouldn't have it any other way. There is NO awkward silence during the massage, I know she isn't going to go blab on and on about my post baby body (16 days after delivery, talk about BRAVE move on my part!) and she is going to do her very best at making me feel so much better! I would recommend her to ANYONE; so here is my shout-out to all of my friends and family who are in need of a good massage. Whether it be therapeutic or for relaxation, Sommers is the very best!!!

Here is her office address and phone number

Professional Therapeutic Massage
477 Curtis road
Boise, Idaho 83709

Thank you so much Sommers for not only giving me the best massage, but for also being one of my bestest friends. I can always count on you; thank you!

1 comment:

Sommers said...

You are soooo sweet. Thanks for the shout out!!! You the BEST! Love you