Tian is 15 month, going on 15. This little guy is so self sufficient, it is almost a little too scary. When he is hungry, he will retrieve a bowl from a drawer, open the pantry door, point to what he wants, once we get what he wants, he will take his bowl to his highchair, and point to his highchair.
He also is a climber. He has climbed the ladder to get to the top of Trey's bunk bed. He has climbed on top of our coffee table/trunk. He has tried to climb over the gate in Trey's doorway, which is supposed to keep Tian out, but didn't quite make it.
He loves to play "ring-around-the-Rosy's," peek-a-boo/hide-and-go-seek," horsey, and cause and effect. (like in the picture above. He will fill a bucket up with balls, and then dump them on his head! He also loves to fill up buckets of water in the bathtub, and then dump them on his head.)
He is an amazing sleeper. He still takes 2 naps a day, and sleeps for 8-12 hours a night. If he is not taking naps well or does not sleep well at night, we know something is wrong with him.
He has had 3 ear infections, a case of Roseola and intusuception.
His voice is a bit on the husky, deep side. His laugh is rather high pitched.
His words are:
oh, oh
BaBa (this stands for blanket, pacifier, or bottle)
Bye Bye
He loves music; especially The Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, and Miley Cyrus. (can you tell we mostly listen to Radio Disney in the car?!) He loves to dance in the car by bobbing his head and kicking his feet to the beat.
He loves cars and balls. He will drive cars along the walls, up and down his body, and on the kitchen floor.
He still can't stand to have his diaper changed. I think it is because it takes too long and he doesn't have time for cleanliness.
He loves to take a bath; especially if Trey is taking one with him.
He still have 8 teeth, 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom, but I think that will soon change. I have a feeling one is coming in on the left side, bottom jaw.
We love you Tian James and have had a wonderful 15 months with you in our lives!
1 comment:
About those eyes. They are beautiful.. just like Tian!
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